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Welcome to your source for news on lifespan and aging research.
May 30, 2017
Scientifically-designed fasting diet reduces risks for aging diseases
If you could lose weight and reduce your risk of life-threatening disease by dieting five days every few months, would you do it? A...
Apr 12, 2017
Preliminary Findings on the Effects of Rapamycin on Cardiac Health of Companion Dogs
Recent advances in geroscience have begun to explain the molecular mechanisms that link aging with disease, making age the greatest risk...
Feb 7, 2017
NYAS eBriefing now available for Aging and Nutrition: Novel Approaches and Techniques
The New York Academy of Sciences recently announced that the multimedia eBriefing of the symposium, Aging and Nutrition: Novel Approaches...
Jan 25, 2017
Improving Lifespan and Healthspan in a Disorder Causing Early Aging
A team of researchers lead by Drs. Evandro Fang and Vilhelm Bohr of the National Institute of Aging–National Institutes of Health have...
Jan 13, 2017
Preserving DNA Methylation During Aging
One of the negative aspects of aging is the decreased ability to maintain normal cellular functions, which eventually manifests as...
Dec 22, 2016
NYAS Symposium – Aging & Nutrition: Novel Approaches & Techniques
OFAS and The Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science at The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) joined together to present a conference...
Feb 15, 2016
Upcoming Symposium: Aging and Nutrition: Novel Approaches and Techniques
Several interventions have been identified that significantly extend healthy lifespan in mammals. Caloric restriction, for example, has...
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